Nowadays, effective and easily configurable lighting is important in various fields, for example, in workplaces with insufficient natural lighting, workplaces with moving parts of machinery, hazardous environment when equipment can be contaminated with chemical and biological material, etc. The above-mentioned lighting applications can be characterized those with spatially complex and dynamically changing work environment. Medical applications are one of the most important fields with such complex environment, where effective lighting plays a crucial role. Almost all available in the market surgical lighting systems have cooling systems with limited efficiency, which decreases lifetime of the whole system. Also, the position of the luminaire can be changed only manually. However, positioning of such luminaire can be controlled and tuned automatically, without the interference of the user. Also, it is important to change the intensity of the light. This paper describes the control unit of such configurable luminaire, explains principles of its automatic spatial configuring and real time regulation of its intensity of the light.