Some Results of the Mobile Space Testing Facility Metamorphosis Prototype Design, Development and Test
International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE) 2023
Sergey Kravchenko, Nikolajs Kuļešovs, Ilmārs Blumbergs, Natalia Kravchenko, Vladimirs Šestakovs, Daria Panova, Aya Mahmoud Abdallah Mohamed Medany

Since 2019, Riga Technical University, Institute of Aeronautics, in partnership with Cryogenic and vacuum systems Ltd (Ventspils), executed the European Regional Development Fund Project No. “Prototype development of transportable in multimodal traffic mobile space testing facility Metamorphosis.” In the process of realization of the project, the analysis of the technical failure risk was provided. Most risk components were detached, and several measures for risk prevention were performed. During the testing of the prototype, it turned out that significant vibration and shock loads acted on the prototype during movement, so some design changes were made. The development of the variational vacuum system calculation model allowed the project team to find the solutions and successfully finish the tests, proofing the concept of the mobile thermal vacuum test facility. This article describes the problem and the search for a solution and shows its implementation.

Mobile Thermal Vacuum Test Complex; Computational Model; Vacuum System

Kravchenko, S., Kuļešovs, N., Blumbergs, I., Kravchenko, N., Šestakovs, V., Panova, D., Medany, A. Some Results of the Mobile Space Testing Facility Metamorphosis Prototype Design, Development and Test. International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE), 2023, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.53-59. ISSN 1973-7459. e-ISSN 1973-7440. Available from: doi:10.15866/irease.v16i3.22588

Publication language
English (en)
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