Multiple Floods Impact on Scour at Structures in River Flow
40th IAHR Congress: Proceedings
Boriss Gjunsburgs,
Oskars Lauva,
Kristīna Kokina
The depth of scour depends on unsteady flow (floods of different probability, duration, frequency, sequence) river bed stratification (with different grain size, thickness and sequence of the layers) and the types and the sizeof hydraulic structures. The mutual impact of unsteady flow and bed stratification on the depth of scour at guide banks was studied
Unsteady flow; multiple floods; river bed layering; scour.
Gjunsburgs, B., Lauva, O., Kokina, K. Multiple Floods Impact on Scour at Structures in River Flow. In: 40th IAHR Congress: Proceedings, Austria, Vienna, 21-25 August, 2023. Vienna: IAHR, 2023, pp.144-151. e-ISSN 2521-7119. Available from: doi:10.3850/978-90-833476-1-5
Publication language
English (en)