Research of Possibility of Using of Nanocompositions for Weighting Transport Facilities
Māris Knite, Vladislavs Novikovs, Valerijs Muhins

In paper outcomes of research of association of conductance of the nanoaggregate manufactured on the basis of polyisoprene with components of nanoparticles of carbon, from the affixed contracting load are reduced. It is offered to use such polymers for development of devices of weighting of aircrafts and other transport facilities.

polimērs, kompozīts, poliizoprēns, oglekļa, omiskā pretestība, perkolācija

Knite, M., Novikovs, V., Muhins, V. Research of Possibility of Using of Nanocompositions for Weighting Transport Facilities. Transport. Aviation Transport. Vol.20, 2006, pp.33-37. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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