Problems of Integration for Baltic and European Energy Systems
Anatolijs Mahņitko, Tatjana Lomane, Inga Zicmane, Timurs Kuzņecovs, Yurii Veremiichuk

An equivalent scheme of the Baltic power system integrated with power unification (ENTSO-E) is proposed. The general model of the synchronously operating the extended power unification ENTSO-E allows transmission system operators (TSO) to monitor each possible (emergency) state of the EPS for the admissibility of the electrical regime in their area of responsibility. The results of specific studies for various scenarios of changes in renewable energy generation are presented. It seems that the proposed model of the Baltic energy system (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) can be used to determine the acceptable value of the RES generated capacity share in the total generation, which does not affect on the reliability of EPS entire power unit.

power system; wind and solar power plants; hot reserve; reliability of power supply; accident; damage

Mahņitko, A., Lomane, T., Zicmane, I., Kuzņecovs, T., Veremiichuk, Y. Problems of Integration for Baltic and European Energy Systems. In: Збірка матеріалів VІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції : «Сталий розвиток – ХХІ століття (наукові читання імені Ігоря Недіна)». Kiev: Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія», 2023. pp.166-181.

Publication language
English (en)
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