Understanding Municipal Green Initiatives and Citizen Habits in Four Baltic Sea Region Countries: Survey Results
CONECT 2024: XVII International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies: Book of Abstracts 2024
Aiga Barisa, Alīna Safronova, Katrīna Leila Zvejniece

The need to reach climate neutrality is addressed in this study by highlighting activities including boosting renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and putting laws and incentives in place for the adoption of low-emission technology. Importantly, it is recognized that there is another important key factor in determining the success of sustainability projects which is an individual's willingness to change their behavior and accept new guidelines. This cross-cultural research examines the everyday routines of people from Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Poland and how these residents evaluate their municipalities. The research investigates the connections between citizens' behaviors in waste management, energy conservation, and transportation by considering the inhabitants' age, location of residence, and personal views. This study aims to collect the necessary data for creating focused, culturally appropriate sustainability projects. The study promotes international cooperation on environmental issues, supports sustainable practices adapted to various cultural settings, and gives policymakers useful information. Using a survey, this study takes a thorough approach to comprehending and resolving sustainability issues. The findings demonstrate that interventions need to be tailored to specific characteristics and cultural contexts to effectively encourage durable behaviors. All things considered, this study adds to the current conversation on sustainability by providing information and suggestions for encouraging environmentally friendly behavior in a variety of cultural contexts.

CO2 emissions; local policies; renewable energy; sustainable behaviors; sustainable transportation; waste management

Barisa, A., Safronova, A., Zvejniece, K. Understanding Municipal Green Initiatives and Citizen Habits in Four Baltic Sea Region Countries: Survey Results. In: CONECT 2024: XVII International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies: Book of Abstracts, Latvia, Rīga, 15-17 May, 2024. Riga: Riga Technical University, 2024, pp.128-128. ISBN 978-9934-37-065-6. ISSN 2592-9704. Available from: doi:10.7250/CONECT.2024.093

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196