Rhetoric as a Framework for Translation Competence Development: Specialised Translation Process Research
Oksana Ivanova
30.08.2024. 11:00,
RTU Liepājas akadēmijā, Liepājā, Lielajā ielā 14, 227. auditorijā.
Atis Kapenieks,
Larisa Iļinska
Velta Ļubkina,
Indra Odiņa,
Jānis Veckrācis
The aim of the Doctoral Thesis is to investigate the process of developing students’ translation competence and to use the results obtained in order to improve the study process in terms of increasing students’ translation performance and the quality of translations produced, as well as to develop the rhetorical model of specialised translation teaching. The Doctoral Thesis investigates the historical roots of translation, provides insight into translator training and describes the results of the empirical research on the students’ translation performance.
retorika, pedagoģiskās pieejas tulkotāju izglītošanā, tulkošanas kompetence, specializēto tekstu tulkošanas process, specializēto tekstu tulkošanas retoriskais modelis
Ivanova, Oksana. Rhetoric as a Framework for Translation Competence Development: Specialised Translation Process Research. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2024. 230 p.
Publication language
English (en)