Physical and Chemical Surface Modification of Recycled Polystyrene Films for Improved Triboelectric Properties
Energy Technology 2024
Līva Ģērmane, Astrīda Bērziņa, Raivis Eglītis, Mairis Iesalnieks, Jānis Lungevičs, Artis Linarts, Andris Šutka, Linards Lapčinskis

Polystyrene (PS) is a very common material in packaging. In this study, it is recycled by turning it into energy harvesting devices: triboelectric generators. Herein, heat-pressed films of recycled PS are formed and their surfaces are modified physically and chemically. The triboelectric properties of the films are determined using a dynamic testing machine, and the performance of the triboelectric generators is evaluated with a high-speed contact–separation system. The developed charge density of the triboelectric generator increases two orders of magnitude—from 0.03 to 1.52 nC cm−2—by combining these surface modification methods. Such high values of charge density enable the production of single material triboelectric generators.

energy harvesting | polystyrene | recycling | surface engineering | triboelectric

Ģērmane, L., Bērziņa, A., Eglītis, R., Iesalnieks, M., Lungevičs, J., Linarts, A., Šutka, A., Lapčinskis, L. Physical and Chemical Surface Modification of Recycled Polystyrene Films for Improved Triboelectric Properties. Energy Technology, 2024, Vol. 12, No. 9, Article number 2400762. ISSN 2194-4288. Pieejams: doi:10.1002/ente.202400762

Publication language
English (en)
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