Analog Mobile Fronthaul for 6G and Beyond
Journal of Lightwave Technology 2024
Rafael Puerta, Tianyu Jiang, Mahdieh Joharifar, Armands Ostrovskis, Toms Salgals, Kristaps Rubuls, Richard Schatz, Anders Djupsjöbacka, Fabio Pittala, Markus Gruen, Hadrien Louchet, Lu Zhang, Sandis Spolītis, Vjačeslavs Bobrovs, Xianbin Yu, Oskars Ozoliņš, Xiaodan Pang

This paper highlights the potential of photonic-assisted analog fronthaul solutions, particularly analog radio-over-fiber (ARoF) and analog radio-over-free-space-optics (ARoFSO), as prospective alternatives for the development of 6G applications. First, we present (New-Radio) NR/5G conformance testing of ARoF and ARoFSO fronthaul links, including the assessment of the error vector magnitude (EVM) and adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR) to demonstrate compliance with the minimum transmitter requirements outlined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards. Then, with focus on future 6G Distributed-MIMO (D-MIMO) networks, we conduct experimental validations of coherent joint transmissions (CJT) using ARoF and ARoFSO fronthaul links in a 2-transmitter D-MIMO network, demonstrating MIMO gains of up to 5.35 dB and that these links meet the stringent synchronization demands for CJT. These tests represent the first realizations of CJT utilizing ARoF and ARoFSO links. Finally, for consistency, we validate CJT in a 4-transmitter D-MIMO network with ARoF fronthaul links, with MIMO gains up to 9.4 dB and confirming our previous results. This evidence indicates that these technologies hold significant potential for applications in future 6G systems.

5G mobile communication systems; MIMO systems; Optical fibers; Radio links; Radio transmission; Radio-over-fiber; Regulatory compliance

Puerta, R., Jiang, T., Joharifar, M., Ostrovskis, A., Salgals, T., Rubuls, K., Schatz, R., Djupsjöbacka, A., Pittala, F., Gruen, M., Louchet, H., Zhang, L., Spolītis, S., Bobrovs, V., Yu, X., Ozoliņš, O., Pang, X. Analog Mobile Fronthaul for 6G and Beyond. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2024, Vol. 42, No. 21, pp.7458-7467. ISSN 0733-8724. e-ISSN 1558-2213. Available from: doi:10.1109/JLT.2024.3435770

Publication language
English (en)
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