Editorial: Does Sustainability Languish in Education?
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 2023
Ilga Salīte, Ilona Fjodorova, Oksana Ivanova

The current Anthropocene Era involves a plethora of unsustainable wicked problems already present and it promises to multiply them with the energy determined at the beginning of the epoch. Will we find solutions to the complex and real-abstract problem of sustainability created by human attitudes, diverse activities and actions in nature? With each issue of JTES, the authors of research papers are becoming more open to the question of educating teachers and university teachers for sustainability. Over time, personally relevant research on various issues in teacher education has also become a driving force in the JTES debate.


Salīte, I., Fjodorova, I., Ivanova, O. Editorial: Does Sustainability Languish in Education?. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 2023, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp.1-4. ISSN 1691-4147. e-ISSN 1691-5534. Available from: doi:10.2478/jtes-2023-0001

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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