Enhancing Impact Resistance and Tensile Properties of 3D Printed Biobased Photopolymers with Ultra-Low Nanocellulose Content
HISTRATE Conference 2024: Book of Abstracts 2024
Oskars Platnieks, Anda Gromova, Maksims Jurinovs, Oļesja Starkova, Sergejs Gaidukovs

Ultraviolet (UV) light-assisted additive manufacturing (AM) needs biobased resins capable of rivalling traditional petroleum-based alternatives. This study introduces a resin derived from vegetable oil, filled with nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), which boosts mechanical properties at extremely low NFC concentrations (0.1 – 1 wt%). Remarkably, adding just 0.1 wt% NFC resulted in a 2-fold increase in elongation at break and a 1.5-fold enhancement in impact resistance. Furthermore, incorporating 0.5 wt% NFC led to an almost 3-fold rise in tensile modulus and a 6-fold improvement in material toughness.

Bio-based, Resin, DLP

Platnieks, O., Gromova, A., Jurinovs, M., Starkova, O., Gaidukovs, S. Enhancing Impact Resistance and Tensile Properties of 3D Printed Biobased Photopolymers with Ultra-Low Nanocellulose Content. In: HISTRATE Conference 2024: Book of Abstracts, Turkey, Istanbul, 5-6 June, 2024. Istanbul: 2024, pp.56-57.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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