The chaotic systems are among the most important areas that have increased in popularity and are actively used in several fields. One of the most essential components in chaotic systems is the chaotic oscillator which generates chaotic signals. IQ-Math and floating point number systems are preferred number standards. In this study, the Modified Chua chaotic oscillator has been designed to work on FPGA chips using fixed point and floating point number representations, and both system version performances are compared. Euler numeric algorithm has been used to design the Modified Chua chaotic oscillator. In the first section of the study, the Modified Chua chaotic system based on fixed point has been composed the model in the Matlab Simulink and converted to VHDL with the help of Matlab HDL Coder Toolbox. In the second section of the study, the Modified Chua chaotic oscillator has been designed with VHDL based on floating point. Modified Chua chaotic oscillators which are composed with two different number standards have been tested using Xilinx ISE Design Tools in VHDL. Modified Chua chaotic oscillators which have two different number standards and designed, are synthesized for Virtex-6 on ML605 FPGA development board using Xilinx ISE Design Tools 14.2 program. The values that are achieved from the process of synthesizing and the process of maximum operating frequency have been presented. As a result, the study has found that fixed-point representation achieved a maximum operating frequency of 50.242 MHz, while the floating-point representation achieved 273.631 MHz.