Exploring Win-Win Human(IT)ies Interdisciplinary Education Paradigm
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 2024
Marina Platonova, Tatjana Smirnova, Oksana Ivanova, Sintija Petroviča-Kļaviņa, Zane Seņko

Although technological savviness is believed to be an integral skill of digital natives, one should not forget that humanities natives nowadays are also expected to undergo a digital transformation path and considerably develop their digital competence since it has become sine qua non of modern humanities landscape. This need has not only paved the road for the introduction of interdisciplinary disciplines but also has been converted into a critical task to be addressed within both tertiary education environment and life-long learning paradigm. The paper aims to illustrate how RTU – a leading centre of STEM+ tertiary education in Latvia – has responded to the current demand by considerably expanding its education offer to include MOOC- based study courses being developed by an interdisciplinary team of researchers within the project of national significance “Language Technology Initiative” that address cutting-edge scenarios for successful application of technologies to resolve diverse language use rooted tasks.

language technology, interdisciplinarity, STEM+ education, MOOC-based studies, win-win synergy

Platonova, M., Smirnova, T., Ivanova, O., Petroviča-Kļaviņa, S., Seņko, Z. Exploring Win-Win Human(IT)ies Interdisciplinary Education Paradigm. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2024, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp.501-512. ISSN 2255-8942. e-ISSN 2255-8950. Available from: doi:10.22364/bjmc.2024.12.4.12

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196