Compensation of Accuracy Error for Time Interval Measurements
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2024
V Bespalkov, Anna Litviņenko, V Stepanovs, Viktors Kurtenoks, V Smetska, Vjačeslavs Lapkovskis

A method of accuracy error compensation for the time interval is examined, allowing to decrease the dependence of accuracy error on the duration of measured intervals and minimising the influence of destabilising factors – ambient temperature changes and the initial deviation of the meter clock generator frequency from the nominal value. The compensation method is based on a calibration procedure that measures precise time intervals under conditions of changing ambient temperature. Then the dependence of the accuracy error on temperature for a particular meter is recorded. Based on these data, a correction table is compiled containing correction factors and temperature values at which these factors were determined. Under real measurement conditions, the correction factor corresponding to the current temperature is determined from the table for measured result correction. The table with correction factor values could be stored in the memory of the meter or processing computer. Experimental verification of the method showed that applying a correction for a meter with a standard XO class clock generator (certificated instability of ±50 ppm) could obtain an equivalent clock generator instability of ±0.15 ppm. The application of the method is efficient in cases where the use of high-end clocking to ensure the required measurement accuracy is not economically feasible.

Accuracy error compensation; clock generator; correction of measurement results; measurement of time intervals

Bespalkov, V., Litviņenko, A., Stepanovs, V., Kurtenoks, V., Smetska, V., Lapkovskis, V. Compensation of Accuracy Error for Time Interval Measurements. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2024, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp.43-51. ISSN 0868-8257. e-ISSN 2255-8896. Available from: doi:10.2478/lpts-2024-0005

Publication language
English (en)
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