Fifteen Years Experience in Education of Quality Professionals at the Institute for Quality Engineering
Jānis Rudņevs, Jānis Mazais

Development of the Institute for Quality Engineering (IQE) at Riga Technical University within the period from the resumption of the Faculty of Mechanics at Latvia University and until nowadays is provided in the article. A historical overview on the teaching staff and study subjects, as well as on the number of graduates who graduated from the IQE bachelors, engineers and master programmes is given.

bakalaura, inženiera, maģistra studijas

Rudņevs, J., Mazais, J. Fifteen Years Experience in Education of Quality Professionals at the Institute for Quality Engineering. Quality and Relyability. Vol.29, 2008, pp.54-62. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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