Calculation of Rubber Shock-Absorbers in View of Deformation of Their Layers
Vladimirs Gonca, Viktors Gutakovskis, Romans Kobriņecs

Here is discussed the method of getting the dependence of „ force – compression ” for rubber – metal elements which are working for tension – compression with taking in to the consideration the deformation of not elastomeric support layers. Therefore here is discussed the stiffness characteristic of the dependence „ force – compression ” getting method for the thick – layer elastomeric shock – absorber , which run for tension – compression with the not elastomeric layer deformation accounting. It is use the linear stiffness theory variation method for the weakly compressed material. For the task solution is used variation method with using the potential energy minimum principle for the weakly compressed material. In this case is offered the calculation diagram variant, which gives us the possibility valuate not elastomer layer deformation effect for the tension and compression characteristic in the small deformation area. The result dependences are recommended to use for designing the compensation products and for the of Poisson`s ratio calculation.

elastomērs, nosēde, stingums, amortizators

Gonca, V., Gutakovskis, V., Kobriņecs, R. Calculation of Rubber Shock-Absorbers in View of Deformation of Their Layers. Mechanics. Vol.28, 2008, pp.166-170. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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