Offer of Safety Equipment Enhancements for Un-Regulated Crosswalks in Latvia
Pāvels Jeļinskis

Present article overviews main principles of arrangement of un-regulated crosswalks and the division of the safety equipment. Considering present situation in Latvia, where a level of un-regulated crosswalks’ equipment is minimal but the location of the crosswalks often conflicts with the basic principles of road traffic safety, several enhancements were presented, including usage of non-activated as well as individually activated systems. Systems of that kind have never been used on the roads of Latvia before, but in conformity with foreign practice, according to which some of these solutions appeared to be successful, implantation of those or similar systems in Latvia could significantly improve the safety level of pedestrians.

un-regulated crosswalks, safety equipment enhancement, road traffic safety improvement, pedestrian collision avoidance

Jeļinskis, P. Offer of Safety Equipment Enhancements for Un-Regulated Crosswalks in Latvia. Railway Transport. Vol.27, 2009, pp.232-237. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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