Art Déco and Neo-Classicism in Architecture of 1900th–1830ies in Particular Areas of Latvia, Poland and Czechoslovakia
Modernizm w Europie – modernizm w Gdyni. Architektura lat międzywojennych i jej ochrona 2009
Renāte Čaupale

The article examines common and different features of Art Déco in Architecture of Latvia, Poland and Czechoslovakia from early 20th century till WWII.

Art Deco, reģionālā arhitektūra

Čaupale, R. Art Déco and Neo-Classicism in Architecture of 1900th–1830ies in Particular Areas of Latvia, Poland and Czechoslovakia. In: Modernizm w Europie – modernizm w Gdyni. Architektura lat międzywojennych i jej ochrona. Gdynia : Urząd Miasta Gdyni, 2009, pp.51-58. ISBN 978-83-907114-3-0.

Publication language
Polish (pl)
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