Assessment of Risks and Professional Health in Latvia
LSPA Zinātniskie raksti 2009
Dzintra Atstāja, Jānis Ieviņš

As Latvia is a member of the EU practically all requirements of the EU labour practice have been incorporated in the normative acts of Latvia. The latest EU requirements are being overtaken according to the fixed and endorsed deadlines by the EU institutions. Labour protection means safety and health of employees. Nevertheless, it is difficult to determine the exact borderline of labour protection. Safety of people can be influenced by a great number of diverse factors. The labour safety often comes very close or even overlaps with other spheres, such as professional health, electric and fire safety, labour rights, etc. These issues are emphasized in the paper.

Arodveselība, darba aizsrdzība, riski.

Atstāja, D., Ieviņš, J. Assessment of Risks and Professional Health in Latvia. In: LSPA Zinātniskie raksti. Rīga: Latvijas Sporta pedagoģijas akadēmija, 2009, pp.327-334.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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