ELU - Results of Technology Verification
Enhanced Learning Unlimited 2009
Atis Kapenieks, Bruno Žuga, Aiga Ozoliņa, Merija Jirgensons, Ieva Vītoliņa, Ginta Majore

iDTV is a technology whose potential for learning is just now being explored. The development of this technology coincides with rapid technological advances and the increasing demand for lifelong learning as well as leisure time learning. More and more adults need skills training or retraining, children and young people need help with numeracy and literacy, retired citizens enjoy the leisure to travel and want to learn about historic sites and monuments they plan to visit. Yet ICT, once believed the answer to the needs of home based leaning has leveled off at around 40 to 60 in most European homes, even after wide availability of cheap models and active promotion. Mobile learning has emerged as a “just-time” learning solutions, but it is yet in the experimental stages and broad based delivery is not available. Yet many options and solutions are needed to address the learning needs of an increasingly technological, knowledge-based society. Therefore, it is important that the traditional TV, the most popular media format should address an increasingly compelling market. To most people the TV is a fond a familiar friend which people trust and feel at ease with. Nearly every European household has one, the count is already to 98% households. Edutainment is already available, such as the Discovery and History channels that have loyal, steady audiences, but these are for passive viewing and provide little opportunity for interactive learning that are necessary for knowledge application and retention.


Kapenieks, A., Žuga, B., Ozoliņa, A., Jirgensons, M., Vītoliņa, I., Majore, G. ELU - Results of Technology Verification. In: Enhanced Learning Unlimited. Paris: ORT France, 2009, pp.1-116.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196