Mechanical and Sorption Properties of the Organically Modified Clay Reinforced Biodegradable Starch Nanocomposites
International Baltic Sea Region Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2009" (FM&NT): Book of Abstracts
Nadežda Liličenko,
Roberts Maksimovs,
Jānis Zicāns,
Tatjana Ivanova,
Remo Merijs-Meri,
Anda Dzene
In this research manufacturing technology of organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT) clay reinforced biodegradable starch nanocomposites is described. In order to raise applicability of the nanocomposites, base starch matrix is plasticized be means of glycerol and water in a strictly defined component ratio. For optimization of interfacial interaction in the clay galleries certain amount of modifying agent is introduced in the system during manufacturing of the nanocomposites by solution casting method. OMMT content is varied between 1 and 12 wt. %. Structural, calorimetric, mechanical and sorptive properties of these nanocomposites are investigated.
biodegradable materials, nanocomposites
Liličenko, N., Maksimovs, R., Zicāns, J., Ivanova, T., Merijs-Meri, R., Dzene, A. Mechanical and Sorption Properties of the Organically Modified Clay Reinforced Biodegradable Starch Nanocomposites. In: International Baltic Sea Region Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2009" (FM&NT): Book of Abstracts, Latvia, Riga, 31 Mar-3 Apr., 2009. Riga: University of Latvia, 2009, pp.83-83.
Publication language
English (en)