Zicāns, J., Merijs-Meri, R., Bledzki, A., Kardaš, D. -. In: Материалы 29-ой международной конференции и выставки "Композиционные материалы в промышленности", Ukraine, Ялта, 1-5 June, 2009. Ялта: Наука. Техника. Технология, 2009, pp.209-211.
Publication language Russian (ru)
Publication Type Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Funding for basic activity Unknown
Field of research 2. Engineering and technology
Sub-field of research 2.5 Materials engineering
ID: 7008
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University. E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196
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