A Processual Method, the Method Helping to Manage the Quality of Transport Services
Transport 2005
Vladimirs Šestakovs, Aleksandr Pankov, Igors Petuhovs

Transportation organization is inspected as three ground processes and each of these prpcess has dynamic indices. The connection of undynamics betveen these indices is the foundation for managing the acception of managment decision and for a big number of other actions. There are some results of the aprobation of this method.

process, safety, model, transportation production, analysis,prganization

Šestakovs, V., Pankov, A., Petuhovs, I. A Processual Method, the Method Helping to Manage the Quality of Transport Services. Transport, 2005, Vol.20, Iss.6, pp.232-235. ISSN 1648-4142. e-ISSN 1648-3480. Available from: doi:10.1080/16484142.2005.9638025

Publication language
English (en)
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