Measurements of Nonlinear Coefficient in OS2 Optical Fiber
Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2010
Jurģis Poriņš, Ģirts Ivanovs, Andis Supe

The nonlinear coefficient of the various optical fibers types has been experimentally and with OptSim 5.0 simulation software studied. With the help of CW SPM, P-SPM and XPM measuring methods the following parameters have been determined experimentally: nonlinear coefficient n2/Aeff and nonlinear refractive index n2; accordingly, n2/Aeff is calculated to be in the range 1.24∙10-12 - 5.26∙10-10 1/W, whereas n2 − in the range 3.38∙10-23 - 4.21∙10-20 m2/W. As seen from results the OS2 fibers have smaller variation of nonlinear coefficient values at different measurement methods in contrast to SSMF and DSF fibers. OS2 fiber n2 value stability are in the limits from 2.88∙10-20 m2/W in case of P-SMP method to 2.9∙10-21 m2/W in case of CW SMP method.

Optical Fibres, Nonlinear Optical Effects, Nonlinear Coefficient

Poriņš, J., Ivanovs, Ģ., Supe, A. Measurements of Nonlinear Coefficient in OS2 Optical Fiber. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2010, 5, pp.53-56. ISSN 1392-1215.

Publication language
English (en)
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