The Impact of the Government’s Fiscal Policy on Economic Development
International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2010 2010
Vladimirs Šatrevičs

This paper reviews the effects of government fiscal policy on economic development in the short run and long run. It describes the role of government investment policy on economic growth. Specifically, a research about relationship between government taxation on economic growth rates and economic growth using different approaches based primarily on the theory of economic growth is conducted. Paper starts with the empirical connections between economic development and fiscal policy. Specific model of development that offers possible explanations to the relationship are presented.

fiscal policy, economic modelling, govenment spending, economic growth

Šatrevičs, V. The Impact of the Government’s Fiscal Policy on Economic Development. In: International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2010, Czech Republic, Brno, 27-28 May, 2010. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2010, pp.167-171. ISBN 9788021051829.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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