Water Preperation Using TinO2n-1 Electrodes
Latvijas Ķīmijas Žurnāls 2010
Madars Reimanis, Juris Mālers, Jurijs Ozoliņš

Water disinfection with electrolysis is an alternative for water treatment, which is receiving increasing attention from drinking and industrial water producers. With this approach oxidants are produced from electrolysis of water molecule and some of dissolved chemical compounds, such as chlorine ions (O×, OH×, HClO, ClO-, Cl2) which are normally present in drinking waters. To carry out the process of electrolysis the use of TinO2n-1 containing ceramic electrodes is possible. The obtained electrodes were used for forming electrolytic cell. The total electrolysis cell resistance decreases if the current density applied to the electrodialysis cell is increased. During electrolysis at constant current strength, the amount of chlorine which is delivered in the process of electrolysis is not dependent on the electrode surface. The presence of other ions воды electrolysis process can be achieved by varying the flow rate and current strength. The specific electric work done for delivering chlorine decreases with increase of electrode area at constant current strength and increase at a constant current density.

titanium oxide; electrolysis; water treatment

Reimanis, M., Mālers, J., Ozoliņš, J. Water Preperation Using TinO2n-1 Electrodes. Latvijas Ķīmijas žurnāls, 2010, Nr.3/4, pp.254-260. ISSN 1734-4964.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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