Conditional Linear Periodical Random Process as a Mathematical Model of Photoplethysmographic Signal
Mykhailo Fryz,
Bogdana Mlynko,
Olena Mul,
Nataliya Zagorodna
In this paper a new mathematical model of photoplethysmographic signal is proposed. This mathematical model is built as a conditional linear random process that allows representing main biophysical peculiarities both of the signal creation and of signal stochastic periodicity. It makes possible analyzing the photoplethysmographic signal with the help of the method of characteristic functions.
conditional linear random process, mathematical model, periodical process, photoplethysmographic signal
Fryz, M., Mlynko, B., Mul, O., Zagorodna, N. Conditional Linear Periodical Random Process as a Mathematical Model of Photoplethysmographic Signal. Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation. Vol.45, 2010, pp.82-86. ISSN 1407-7493.
Publication language
English (en)