Description of Latvian Metal Production and Processing Enterprises' Air Emissions
Jeļena Pubule, Dace Zahare, Dagnija Blumberga

The metal production and processing sector in Latvia has acquired a stable position in the national economy. Smelting of ferrous and nonferrous metals, production of metalware, galvanisation, etc. are developed in Latvia. The metal production and processing sector has an impact on air quality due to polluting substances which are released in the air from metal treatment processes. Therefore it is necessary to determine the total volume of emissions produced by the metal production and processing sector in Latvia. This article deals with the air polluting emissions of the Latvian metal production and processing industry, and sets the optimum sector emission volumes using the emissions benchmark methodology. vielu emisijas, un, izmantojot līmeņatzīmes metodi, noteikti optimālie emisiju apjomi sektoram.

Emissions to air, production and processing of metals, Benchmark methodology, cleaner production, energy efficiency.

Pubule, J., Zahare, D., Blumberga, D. Description of Latvian Metal Production and Processing Enterprises' Air Emissions. Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.5, 2010, pp.72-79. ISSN 1691-5208.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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