Review of the Base Chassis Configurations for Various UAV Types and Purposes
Aleksandrs Urbahs, Vladimirs Petrovs, Antons Rjabuha

In the last years there has been a boom of unmanned aerial vehicle in aerospace industry. Large and small aircraft companies, specializing in the area of innovative solutions, present various types of UAV for different purposes. Wide variety of aircraft types and their functions save the takeoff and landing task actual for developers of chassis. Nowadays the design-engineering departments direct their attention to the multifunction of unmanned airplanes. Researches are carried out directed to the possibility of UAV application under various conditions such as geographic areas with different landscape features. This is an essential factor to form the necessity to develop the multifunctional takeoff and landing systems. The basic chassis configurations of high-wing type aircraft, with GTOW 5 kg, are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of the different wheeled chassis configurations and the alternative chassis types are considered. As a result a more universal UAV chassis construction is proposed. Scheme UAV where the fuselage design is an element of the chassis is represented to the most perspective or completely carries out chassis function. As a result of research it is defined that such design is the fuselage type “a flying boat”. This scheme is represented optimum on several parameters: UAV becomes universal, can make landing both to water, and to a ground; internal fuselage dimensions increase; the design at the expense of absence of mechanisms and elements of the wheel chassis becomes simpler. A type fuselage “a flying boat” as probably to execute optimum on parameter of aerodynamic resistance that is one of the most significant characteristics of the flying machine.

unmanned aerial vehicle, chassis, floatplane, redan

Urbahs, A., Petrovs, V., Rjabuha, A. Review of the Base Chassis Configurations for Various UAV Types and Purposes. Intelligent Transport Systems. Vol.34, 2010, pp.74-79. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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