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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 14, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 14, No. 1
15 items found, displaying 1 to 15.
Actuarial Models for Defined Contribution Pension Plan
Edgars Bremze
Andrejs Matvejevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Application of Genetic Algorithms to Classifier Ensemble Construction
Jurijs Korņijenko
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Concepts Generalization Algorithm FLORA2 in Changing Environment in Robot Control Task
Ēriks Tipāns
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Design Considerations of the Granular-Evidence-Based Adaptive Network ANGIE
Aleksandrs Vališevskis
Arkādijs Borisovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Developing a 3D Graphical User Interface for Object-Oriented Simulation
Arnis Lektauers
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Development of a Simulation Tool for Selection of Inventory Control Policy
Jūlija Petuhova
Jurijs Merkurjevs
Jānis Indāns
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Development of the Optimal Travel Choice Decison Making Support System Model
Andrejs Romānovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Efficiency Analysis of On-line Classification Rule Construction Methods
Sigita Misiņa
Ludmila Aleksejeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
GARCH Modeling of the Time Varying Term Premium of the Latvian Interest Rates
Jeļena Zubkova
Ģirts Strautnieks
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Inductive Learning Algorithms from the Perspective of Autonomous Intelligent Systems
Agris Ņikitenko
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Investigation of the Crossover Operators in Genetic Algorithm
Irina Lovtsova
Arita Takahaši
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Methods and Algorithms of Fuzzy Decision Trees Restructuring
Gulnara Bikeševa
Arkādijs Borisovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Optimal Funding Strategy with the Stochastic Investment Model for Defined Benefit Pension Plan
Nataļja Kuļikova
Andrejs Matvejevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Search for Profitable Investment Rules Using Evolutionary Computations and Technical Analysis
Andrejs Kapišņikovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Self-Organizing in Neural Networks based on Memorizing
Artūrs Pčelkins
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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