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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 18, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 18, No. 1
7 items found, displaying 1 to 7.
Different Viewpoints and Approaches to Software Customization = Dažādi viedokļi un pieejas programmatūras pielāgošanai
Vjačeslavs Šitikovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Developing of Electronic Learning Book
Vladimirs Popko
Natālija Prokofjeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
IT Audit in Mid-Size and Large Companies
Artūrs Grickus
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Comparing Analysis of Java Application Servers
Jānis Graudiņš
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Selecting the Best Approximant in a Set of Possible Variations
Gints Jēkabsons
Jurijs Lavendels
Publications in RTU scientific journal
M/M/1 and G/M/1 Systems with a Self-Similar Input Traffic = M/M/1 un G/M/1 sistēmas ar sev līdzīgu ieejas plūsmu
Sergejs Iļņickis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Automatization of Reinsuranse Activities
Marina Uhanova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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