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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 28, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 28, No. 1
14 items found, displaying 1 to 14.
Adaptive Control of the Dynamic Systems based on Parametric Identification
Aleksandrs Matvejevs
Andrejs Matvejevs
Ģirts Vulfs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Agents in Supply Chain Management: an Overview
Darja Rudenko
Arkādijs Borisovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Comparative Analysis of Robust Statistical Inference and Robust Bayesian Inference
Oļegs Užga-Rebrovs
Gaļina Kuļešova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Computerised Business Game for Studying Supply Chain Risks
Ruslans Kļimovs
Andrejs Grāve
Jurijs Merkurjevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Construction and Analysis of Asynchronous Neural Networks
Sergejs Jakovļevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Development of Adapter for Conecting GPS/GIS and ERP Systems
Jānis Kampars
Jānis Grabis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Estimation of the Forecasting Risks
Oļegs Užga-Rebrovs
Tatjana Zmanovska
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Example Subset Size Adaption Heuristic in Incremental Learning
Sigita Misiņa
Publications in RTU scientific journal
On Mathematical Models for Analysis and Forecasting of the Europe Union Countries Conveyances
Aleksandrs Andronovs
Diāna Santalova
Jekaterīna Žukovska
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Optimisation of Beer Game Inventory Model under Uncertain Demand
Oksana Kuzņecova
Jan Goetgeluk
Hendrik Van Landeghem
Jurijs Merkurjevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
RFID Technology and Its Applications in Logistics
Oļesja Večerinska
Gaby Neumann
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Simulation Based Analysis of Transportation Modes in Pharmaceutical Distribution Network
Jeļena Vasiļcova
Oksana Kuzņecova
Hendrik Van Landeghem
Jurijs Merkurjevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Solving Optimisation Task Using a Modified Genetic Algorithm
Irina Lovcova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Use of Real-Time Risk Management in Organisation
Vladislavs Minkevičs
Jans Šlihte
Ģirts Vulfs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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