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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 36, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 36, No. 1
15 items found, displaying 1 to 15.
A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Rules of Belief Combination
Oļegs Užga-Rebrovs
Gaļina Kuļešova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
A Comparative Analysis of Classification Methods with Incremental Learning in the E-Mail Filtering Task
Sigita Misiņa
Ludmila Aleksejeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Adaptive Control of the Electrical Solar Sail Based on Parametric Identification
Aleksandrs Matvejevs
Andrejs Matvejevs
Ģirts Vulfs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Ambiguous States Determination in Non-Markovian Environments
Jurijs Čižovs
Tatjana Zmanovska
Arkādijs Borisovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Applying ANN Ensembles to Melanoma-Related Diagnostics on Cancer Patients
Vilens Jumutcs
Aija Linē
Pāvels Zajakins
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Blackboard Architecture Programming for Product Life Cycle Stage Definition
Darja Plinere
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Construction Methods of the Decision Trees for Genetic Programming
Peteris Grabusts
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Investigation of Refractoriness Principle in Recurrent Neural Networks
Sergejs Jakovļevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Neural Networks in Fingerprint Classification Problem
Arita Takahaši
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Processing the Results of Competence Evolution Evaluation by Decision Trees
Ieva Boļakova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Robust Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Cyclic Planning and Optimisation Task
Tatjana Lagzdiņa
Gaļina Merkurjeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Rule Induction for Forecasting Transition Points in Product Life Cycle
Arnis Kiršners
Anatolijs Sukovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Statistical Description of a Distribution of Population Density Over the Latvian Territory
Andrejs Kašurins
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The Development of the Operational IT Risks Governance Concept
Ruslans Kļimovs
Alberts Rezniks
Irina Solovjova
Jans Šlihte
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The Optimization of Use of IT Infrastructure and the Implementation of ITIL Processes in State Institutions
Pjotrs Dorogovs
Andrejs Romānovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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