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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 5, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 5, No. 1
15 items found, displaying 1 to 15.
Application of Binary Shadows to N-Dimensional Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Tasks
Romans Grekovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Associative Identification of Dynamic Systems Parameters
Ģirts Vulfs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Development of B2B E-Commerce in Latvian Distribution Market
Jānis Ķemers
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Bonus-Malus System in Europe and Latvian Analogue
Kārlis Šadurskis
Viktorija Babuskina
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Comparative Analisys of Different Approaches Towards Multilayer Percentron Training
Aleksandrs Vališevskis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Estimation of the Ruin Probablity, based on the Diffusion Approximation of Impulse System with Look-Ahead Markov Switching
Oksana Pavļenko
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Stohastic Stability of Kvazilinear Control Systems with Phase-Locked Loop
Andrejs Matvejevs
Vineta Minkēviča
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Genetics-based Machine Learning Systems for Classification Task
Jeļena Fiošina
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Visualization Technology of Simulation Models
Arnis Lektauers
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Inductive Inference Algorithms in Decision Making Task
Sigita Misiņa
Ludmila Aleksejeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Interpolation Regressive Model of Dinamic Object Identification
Arnis Varslavs
Genādijs Burovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Models and Algorithms of the Term Structure of Interest Rate for Latvian Bond Market
Viktors Ajevskis
Normunds Gūtmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Monte Carlo Simulation on Spreadsheets
Jeļena Pečerska
Jurijs Merkurjevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Optimization of a Start-Topology Network
Julija Glaza
Aleksandrs Andronovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Simulation of Logistics Systems: a Survey
Jurijs Merkurjevs
Jūlija Petuhova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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