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Scientific Journals of RTU
Transport and Engineering / Mašīnzinātne un transports
Vol. 4, No. 1
Transport and Engineering / Mašīnzinātne un transports
Vol. 4, No. 1
11 items found, displaying 1 to 11.
Synthesis if the Combined Self-Testing Devices
Ludmila Sergejeva
Mareks Mezītis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Effective Complex Permittivity of Forest Media = Mežu masīvu efektīvā kompleksā dielektriskā caurlaidība
Valentīns Popovs
Jeļena Čaiko
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Intelligent Agents for Information Transport Systems
Nadežda Kuņicina
Anatolijs Ļevčenkovs
Vladimirs Jansons
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Tehnology of Creation of Interactive Web-Aplication
Mareks Mezītis
Ludmila Sergejeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The Field Trials of the Locomotive Diesel Engine Cooling System Fan Hydraulic Transmission
Peteris Balckars
Dijs Sergejevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The Unsteady Cindition Simulation of the Locomotive Diesel Engine Cooling System Fan Hydraulic Transmission
Peteris Balckars
Dijs Sergejevs
Aleksandrs Sergejevs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The Logistic Simulation of the Urban Rail Transport
Gunārs Teivāns
Anatolijs Ļevčenkovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Space Mode of Stability Loss for the Rectilinear Configuration of a Train while Braking and the Further Derailment = Telpiska stabilitātes zuduma forma vilciena lineārai konfigurācijai bremzēšanas režīmā un tai sekojošai nobraukšanai no sliedēm
Aleksandrs Sergejevs
Dijs Sergejevs
Peteris Balckars
Publications in RTU scientific journal
State and Development Ways of Transport Communication and Information Systems in Latvian Republic = Latvijas transporta sakaru un informācijas sistēmu stāvoklis un perspektīvas
Valentīns Popovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Organization of Information Interaction of the Transport Logistical Centres in Real Time
Ludmila Sergejeva
Ģirts Aizstrauts
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Waves Propagation in Fiber Optics Communication Lines = Viļņu izplatīšanās šķiedru optisko sakaru līnijās
Valentīns Popovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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