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Information about Author
Name, Surname
Gaļina Stankeviča
(24300) Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens tehnoloģijas institūts
Scientific Degree
18 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Achieving Deep Energy Retrofit in Latvian Public Building - Simulation Study
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Anatolijs Borodiņecs
Renārs Millers
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Impact of Indoor Climate on Energy Efficiency and Productivity in Office Buildings
Gaļina Stankeviča
Doctoral Thesis
Trends in Cooling Degree Days for Building Energy Estimation in Latvia
Gaļina Stankeviča
Valdis Vāravs
Andris Krēsliņš
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Energy Consumption and Employee Productivity Investigation with Respect to Profit in Office Buildings
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Impact of Indoor Climate on Energy Efficiency and Productivity in Office Buildings
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Method to Investigate Effects of Indoor Climate on Energy Consumption and Productivity in Offices
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Conference paper
Outdoor Climate Data for Building Energy Calculation
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Conference paper
Impact of Indoor Temperature on Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Energy Efficiency Improvement Measures and Their Effect on Heating Energy Consumption and Indoor Climate: Case Study in Selected Latvian Kindergartens
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Energy Efficiency Improvement Measures and Their Effect on Heating Energy Consumption and Indoor Climate: Case Study in Selected Latvian Kindergartens
Gaļina Stankeviča
Andris Krēsliņš
Conference paper
3 items found, displaying 1 to 3.
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Anita Šlihte
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes starptautiskās sadarbības, projektu un kapacitātes attīstība zinātnē un tehnoloģijās
RTU pētniecības
Tālis Juhna
Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens tehnoloģijas institūts (34-24300-N7045.2)
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