Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Jānis Dobelis



5 items found, displaying 1 to 5.
Additive Manufacturing Technology Using Metal Wire and Electric Arc
Jānis Dobelis, Vitālijs Beresņevičs
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
New Devices for Energy Extraction from Air Flow
Jānis Vība, Staņislavs Noskovs, Vitālijs Beresņevičs, Jānis Dobelis
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database

2 items found, displaying 1 to 2.
Enerģētikas institūts (34-11200-DOK.EI)
Antans Sauļus Sauhats
Mehānikas institūts (34-25400-DOK.MI/16)
Jānis Vība