Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Ieva Jurāne


(24800) Būvkonstrukciju inženierzinātņu institūts



ORCID: orcid-logo 0000-0003-2413-0435
16 items found, displaying 11 to 16.
Engineering Graphics over the Years
Ieva Jurāne
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Descriptive Geometry
Jānis Auzukalns, Modris Dobelis, Genovefa Fjodorova, Ieva Jurāne, Ella Leja, Veronika Stroževa, Gaļina Veide, Zoja Veide
Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs
Engineering Graphics
Gaļina Veide, Ella Leja, Veronika Stroževa, Zoja Veide, Genovefa Fjodorova, Jānis Auzukalns, Modris Dobelis, Ieva Jurāne
Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs
The Alternative Task in the Course Of Descriptive Geometry for Architects
Ieva Jurāne
Scientific article indexed in ERIH database, in INT1 or INT2 category journals
Civil Engineering Graphics
Jānis Auzukalns, Modris Dobelis, Genovefa Fjodorova, Ieva Jurāne, Ella Leja, Veronika Stroževa, Gaļina Veide, Zoja Veide
Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs

2 items found, displaying 1 to 2.
Methods of critical infrastructure control
Nadežda Kuņicina
Virtuālās tehnoloģijas STEM studiju programmām
Raivo Kalderauskis