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Ella Spuriņa
(31400) Ilgtspējīgo būvmateriālu un inženiersistēmu institūts
8 items found, displaying 1 to 8.
The Effects of 3D Printing on Frost Resistance of Concrete
Ella Spuriņa
Māris Šinka
Krists Ziemelis
Diāna Bajāre
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight Gypsum and Expanded Polystyrene Granulate Composite
Ģirts Būmanis
Alise Sapata
Māris Šinka
Ella Spuriņa
Diāna Bajāre
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
The Effects of Air-Entraining Agent on Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Concrete
Ella Spuriņa
Māris Šinka
Krists Ziemelis
Andris Vanags
Diāna Bajāre
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Lightweight EPS – Gypsum Composite for 3D Printing
Ella Spuriņa
Ģirts Būmanis
Māris Šinka
Diāna Bajāre
Conference paper
Hempcrete – CO2 Neutral Wall Solutions for 3D Printing
Māris Šinka
Ella Spuriņa
Aleksandrs Korjakins
Diāna Bajāre
Conference paper
Reducing Global Warming Potential Impact of Bio-Based Composites Based of LCA
Arta Seile
Ella Spuriņa
Māris Šinka
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Hempcrete - CO2 Neutral Wall Solutions for 3D Printing
Māris Šinka
Ella Spuriņa
Aleksandrs Korjakins
Diāna Bajāre
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Adjustment of Concrete Mixture Composition for 3d Printing and Reduction of Environmental Impact
Ella Spuriņa
Māris Šinka
Conference paper
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