Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Jeļena Titko


(22700) Uzņēmējdarbības inženierijas un vadības institūts

Scientific Degree:




65 items found, displaying 21 to 30.
Measuring Bank Efficiency: DEA Application
Jeļena Titko, Jelena Stankevičiene, Nataļja Lāce
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
DEA Application at Cross-Country Benchmarking: Latvian vs Lithuanian Banking Sector
Jeļena Titko, Daiva Jureviciene
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
Sustainable Shareholder Value: Analysis of Value Drivers
Jūlija Bistrova, Jeļena Titko, Nataļja Lāce
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
DEA Application in Banking: Relationship between Efficiency Scores and Bank Size
Jeļena Titko
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Competition and Efficiency in the Banking Sector of EU New Member States
Jeļena Titko, Nataļja Lāce, Manatzhan Tleuzhanova
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Financial Literacy: Building a Conceptual Framework
Jeļena Titko, Nataļja Lāce
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Management of Personal Finanses
Guna Ciemleja, Nataļja Lāce, Jeļena Titko
Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs
Financial Literacy and its Evaluation
Jeļena Titko, Guna Ciemleja, Nataļja Lāce
Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs

5 items found, displaying 1 to 5.
Latvijas iedzīvotāju drošumspējas stiprināšana, paaugstinot finanšu lietprātības līmeni
Nataļja Lāce
Measuring Bank Efficiency: DEA application
Uzņēmējdarbības veicināšana
Jeļena Titko
Methods of critical infrastructure control
Nadežda Kuņicina
Sabiedrības iesaiste sociālās inovācijas procesos Latvijas ilgtspējīgas attīstības nodrošināšanai
Karine Oganisjana
Uzņēmējdarbības inženierijas un vadības institūts (34-22700-N7051.2)
Konstantins Didenko