The sample must be fixed, dehydrated, coated (nonconductive) before it can be observed in SEM.
MIRA\LMU: Resolution
• In high vacuum mode (SE) 2.0 nm at 30 kV; 3.0 nm at 3 kV
• In low vacuum mode (SE) 2.5 nm at 30 kV (LVSTD); 3.5 nm at 3 kV (LVSTD)
• SE detector (to observe the topography of the conductive specimen surface)
• BSE detector (to detect contrast between areas with different chemical compositions of the specimen surface)
• LVSTD detector (to observe the topography of the nonconductive specimen surface)
• Internal diameter: 230 mm
Characterization of sample surface morphology, elemental analysis of the sample.
The apparatus is equipped with a high-speed energy dispersion X-ray spectroscope which is capable of collecting X-rays from the sample in a short time, giving information about its chemical composition.
SEM, EDS, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, surface morphology, elemental analysis