Needs for Knowledge Management in Commercial Banks
51. RTU Starptautiskā konference: konferences ziņojumu tēžu krājums 2010
Jana Eriņa, Nataļja Lāce

Goal of this article, first, to reflect the commercial staff competence level and secondly to determine the impact Intellectual capital performance of commercial banks.

Knowledge management, Mentoring, Intellectual Capital, Motivation, Bank, Latvia

Eriņa, J., Lāce, N. Needs for Knowledge Management in Commercial Banks. In: 51. RTU Starptautiskā konference: konferences ziņojumu tēžu krājums, Latvia, Rīga, 15-15 October, 2010. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2010, pp.28-28. ISBN 9789934100611.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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