Growing evidence on the indoor and outdoor pollution caused by the flow of man-made products urges that the content and leaching of hazardous substances from products shall be minimised. One of the ways to reduce the potential adverse impacts caused by these substances could be via ecodesign − i.e. through the consideration of lifecycle-related environmental aspects during the product development. The authors’ review of the existing ecodesign methods highlights the weakness of these methods in identifying and assessing the health-related and environmental impacts of hazardous substances contained in products, especially with regard to the exposure assessment. Therefore, a new, semi-quantitative screening ecodesign method applicable for different types of products has been developed. The method ranks the most severe hazards based on the classification according to the Globally Harmonised System together with the exposure evaluation, as well as integrates the aspects of material efficiency. This method is suitable for use in the product development process, requiring decisions to be made based on limited information while integrating the main principles of the scientific chemicals risk assessment. Application of the method is demonstrated with a case study on products made of plywood. The method makes it possible to identify needs for and elaboration of ecodesign proposals, and fosters communication and information exchange throughout the supply chain.