Dissertation examines monitoring and diagnostic methods for railway automatic and telematic system relay elements. The first part examines general question of design of subsystems for monitoring and diagnosis of automation systems; optimization of maintenance system for system based on diagnostic of elements of system; criteria’s of optimization for diagnostic subsystems; existing tools used in diagnosis for relay interlocking and blocking devices and this development; reliability of systems, subsystems, and components; the advantages of using the build cluster systems. The second part examines issues related to the processing subsystem information monitoring and diagnostics; the mathematical technique of transfer from physical parameters to numeric valueless; optimization of the service; faulty tree analysis; technical state of the elements by using the date function and status parameters. The third part examine monitoring and diagnostic method for maintenance free battery; battery mode in power supply circuit; measuring accuracy of internal resistance of battery; conditions improve the accuracy of estimates of internal resistance; realization of diagnostic method for battery using a tracing load generator and this advantages. The fourth examines monitoring and diagnostic methods of electromechanical relay; considers the separation of elements according to their degree of reliability and suitability for diagnosis; transients in the winding of impulse relay; influence of the presence and condition of the anchors on the electromagnetic field; method of diagnosing the state of electromechanical systems in real time; implementation technology of additional equipment. The fifth part part examines monitoring and diagnostic of electromechanical code transmitter; prototype of electronic analogue for electromechanical transmitter; general requirements for electronic equipment in high-risk processes; the principle of building for electronic transmitter; calculation of reliability and safety of a prototype; evaluation results of numeric criteria for reliability and safety. Dissertation is written in 172 pages has an introduction, a 5 chapters, 96 figures, 94 formulas, 14 tables, list of reviewed literature and patents, 7 appendixs.