Condensers Cooling in Absorption Refrigeration Systems
Kaspars Grīnbergs

20.12.2013. 14:00, Rīgas Tehniskajā universitātē Būvniecības fakultātē, Rīgā, Āzenes ielā 16/20, Būvniecības fakultātes sēžu zālē

Peteris Šipkovs

Daniels Turlajs, Anatolijs Borodiņecs, Gaļina Kaškārova

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, regional heat supply in Latvia has been only partially able to re-orient itself, reducing the percentage of facilities in operation since that age. Boiler houses and heating networks built in the 80s, considering their assembly technology, have been operating past their designed service life. Deficiencies in the heating network assembly technology are highlighted particularly by the great increase in fuel costs. The potential of using thermal energy should now be considered from a broader perspective. Solutions should be devised that allow heat to be consumed year-round. In this regard, a major role could be played by thermal energy absorption, or cold supply systems, which allow thermal energy to be used at a competitive price in order to cool down indoor spaces in summer. The goal of this doctorate thesis was to develop a condensation cooling device for absorption/cold supply systems as an alternative to a cooling tower. A research stand was constructed to achieve this goal, used as a basis for studying heat exchange processes. The device is intended for low-potential heat removal, radiating the thermal energy extracted from the coolant into the environment. The paper studied convective, evaporative and condensation-based heat exchange processes in order to determine the link between the efficiency of the device’s operation to changes in ambient air parameters. The study analysed correlations between the changes in the capacity of the device under study and the factors that affect it. Based on the mathematical model developed for the study, conclusions were drawn regarding the practical applications of this device. The research conducted within the framework of the doctorate thesis is based on the author’s practical experience and knowledge about the specifics of regional heat supply, having worked in the industry using available resources. A regional boiler house and the connected infrastructural network and related territory were used, both to collect local ambient air measurements and fluctuations, and to apply the mathematical model for measuring equipment efficiency developed by the author. The scientific novelty of the doctorate thesis lies in a condensation cooling device for absorption cooling systems, to be used for cooling local buildings or complexes of buildings with absorption cycle facilities. During the study, experiments produced a prototype device that can be considered an alternative to a cooling tower, and a methodology was developed; the conclusions are practically applicable to designing similar structures within existing heat supply systems. Earlier in this sector were employed number of Russian scientists such as Margulova T, Labedevs P. In Latvia evaporative processes were studied by Janis Nagla, Peteris Sipkovs, Rudolfs Ciemins, Daniels Turlajs, Andris Kreslins, Egils Dzelzitis, Peteris Saveljevs etc. 6 publications have been made based on the results of the paper, published in compendia of articles for international conferences. Various stages of execution of the study were reported at 7 international conferences. The author has developed and coordinated with the Public Utilities Commission a number of thermal energy tariffs and performed a careful analysis of regional heat supply systems, developing technical and economical justifications for renovation of the heat supply system in various administrative divisions throughout Latvia. The paper consists of an introduction, eight chapters, and conclusions. It includes 101 pages in Latvian, 47 figures, and 15 tables. The bibliography includes 79 sources of literature.

absorption system cooling

Grīnbergs, Kaspars. Condensers Cooling in Absorption Refrigeration Systems. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2013. 101 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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