Research Data
Doctoral Theses
Scientific Journals of RTU
Technology Offers
Information about Author
Name, Surname
Daniels Turlajs
Honorific title
Scientific Degree
Habilitētais doktors
46 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Operator Method of Nonstationary Temperature Field Calculation in Environment With an Isolated Cylindrical Pipe
Voldemārs Barkāns
Gints Turlajs
Aivars Cers
Roberts Veselauskis
Daniels Turlajs
Sigurds Jaundālders
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
Operational Optimization of Riga District Heating System, a Case Study
Aleksandrs Soročins
Daniels Turlajs
Roberts Veselauskis
Conference paper
Recovery of the Waste Heat by Large Capacity Heat Pumps for Riga City District Heating System
Aivars Cers
Daniels Turlajs
Namejs Zeltiņš
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
The New Improvement Method of Gas Combine Cycle Trigeneration
Daniels Turlajs
Namejs Zeltiņš
Aivars Cers
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Interaction of Liquid and Heating Surface during Nucleate Boiling Processes
Juris Ekmanis
Daniels Turlajs
Namejs Zeltiņš
Sigurds Jaundālders
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
The Possibilities of Improvement of District Heating Systems Operation un Latvia
Āris Žīgurs
Daniels Turlajs
Andris Krēsliņš
Aivars Cers
Publication (reviewed) in journals with editorial board published in Latvia or abroad, including institutional juornals
Experience and Perspectivity of Heat Pumps Applications in Residential Buildings and Public Facilities Sector of Latvia
Daniels Turlajs
Sigurds Jaundālders
Namejs Zeltiņš
Conference paper
Usage of Earth Potential in Power Industry
Ilmārs Stuklis
Daniels Turlajs
Astrīds Freimanis
Sigurds Jaundālders
Conference paper
Implementation of Large Capacity Heat Pumps in Latvia
Āris Žīgurs
Daniels Turlajs
Egīls Dzelzītis
Aivars Cers
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Correlation Analysis of District Heating Processes and Their Temperature Spectroscopy
Uldis Kanders
Daniels Turlajs
Conference paper
Supervised Dissertations
1 items found, displaying 1 to 1.
Gas Fired Combine Cycle Trigeneration under the Temperate Climate Conditions
Aivars Cers
Doctoral Thesis
6 items found, displaying 1 to 6.
Atbalsts RTU doktora studiju īstenošanai
Lauris Bisenieks
Atbalsts RTU doktorantūras attīstībai
Santa Rendore
Gāzes degšanas procesu un temperatūras lauku pētīšana darba režīmos ar lielām gaisa pārpilnības koeficienta vērtībām
Daniels Turlajs
Jauno zinātnieku un komercuzņēmumu darbinieku iesaistīšana energoefektivitātes pētniecībā
Daniels Turlajs
Mācību telpu gaisa kvalitātes uzlabošana
Būvniecība un arhitektūra
Anatolijs Borodiņecs
Siltumenerģētikas un siltumtehnikas bakalaura un maģistra profesionālo programmu uzlabošana
Daniels Turlajs
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