The Development and Implementation of Hybrid Map Merging Method
Ilze Andersone

08.09.2014. 14:30, DITF, Rīgā, Meža ielā 1/3, 202. auditorija

Agris Ņikitenko

Valerijs Zagurskis, Peteris Rivža, Mart Tamre

The approach developed in the thesis offers an alternative solution for the map merging and provides a way to deal with incorrect map merging cases. The method solves the map merging problem both in local (the merging of two maps without the information about their relative positioning) and global levels (the evaluation of the result, the reversibility and dynamism of the map merging).

Map merging, Multi-robot systems, Robotics

Andersone, Ilze. The Development and Implementation of Hybrid Map Merging Method. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2014. 156 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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