Obtaining Lignocellulosic Microparticles Using Energy Saving Pre-treatment Method
EWLP 2014 : 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp : Proceedings
Galia Shulga,
Sanita Vītoliņa,
Brigita Neiberte,
Anrijs Verovkins,
Jevgenijs Jaunslavietis,
Jurijs Ozoliņš
In this work, aspen sawdust, a by-product of the mechanical processing of aspen wood, was studied as a feedstock for obtaining microparticles as a filler for polymeric composites. It is know that, due to enhanced energy requirements, milling of untreated wood is not economically beneficial. With the aim to partially destruct and activate the lignocellulosic matrix for the following modification, low temperature acid hydrolysis of aspen sawdust under mild condition was carried out. The effect of the acid conentration, the hydrolysis duration and the hydromodulus on the components and fractional composition of milled hydrolysed aspen sawdust was inwestigated.
lignocellulosic microparticles, aspen wood, acid hydrolysis
Shulga, G., Vītoliņa, S., Neiberte, B., Verovkins, A., Jaunslavietis, J., Ozoliņš, J. Obtaining Lignocellulosic Microparticles Using Energy Saving Pre-treatment Method. In: EWLP 2014 : 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp : Proceedings, Spain, Seville, 24-27 June, 2014. Seville: Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNAS-CSIC), 2014, pp.783-786. ISBN 978-84-616-9842-4.
Publication language
English (en)