End-of-life (EoL) tires are a non-degradable waste, which is generated annually in large amounts all over the world. Due to the high carbon content, EoL tires have a large energetic potential, which currently is not fully used. Moreover, municipal solid waste (MSW) and sewage sludge have a significant growing potential for energy recovery. The aim of the study it is to assess the environmental impact and potential benefits generated during the gate-to-gate life cycle of preparation of the end-of life tires and solid recovered fuels from selected waste for energy recovery. The paper presents the impact assessment results of fuel preparation for energy recovery from waste derived fuels according to three selected fuels’ scenarios: (a) shredded EoL tires, (b) solid recovered fuel produced from MSW, and (c) solid recovered fuel produced from pre-composted sewage sludge combined with biomass residues.