This doctoral Thesis is devoted to the investigation, modelling, design and optimisation of advanced microwave assisted pultrusion processes. To provide better understanding of the pultrusion processes, to validate numerical simulation algorithms, conventional pultrusion processes are observed at the beginning of the research. Two different approaches for a numerical simulation of pultrusion processes are proposed, compared and discussed. The first procedure is developed in the general-purpose finite element environment ANSYS Mechanical and based on the mixed time integration scheme and nodal control volumes method to decouple the coupled energy and species equations. The second procedure is performed by using computational fluid dynamics software ANSYS CFX and presents quite new approach not used widely for a pultrusion modelling. The developed procedures have been validated by the results of other authors and experimental results obtained in frames of COALINE project. Accuracy of different curing kinetic models for resins with high microwave absorption properties has been evaluated and compared. Traditional description of the rate of the thermoset resin reaction by the Arrhenius relationship multiplied by a reaction function has been used. An engineering tool based on Microsoft Excel code has been developed by using the developed methodology. This tool has been successfully applied for a building of the curing kinetic models of resins with high microwave absorption properties used in the microwave assisted pultrusion processes. To support the pultrusion tooling design and process control, new simulation methodology consisting of two sub-models has been developed. In the first step the electromagnetic sub-model is used to evaluate the electric field distribution by solving the Maxwell’s equations with the COMSOL Multiphysics. In the second step an absorption energy field in the composite material determined with the electromagnetic sub-model is used as a heating source in the pultrusion process modelled with the thermo-chemical sub-model. This simulation procedure is developed in ANSYS Mechanical environment. The developed procedure for numerical modelling of microwave assisted pultrusion process has been used for the design of multifunctional pultrusion die. The main idea of this die is to combine microwave assisted profile curing with an application of the coating in one pultrusion die. This process of pultruded coated profile manufacturing is free of VOCs and small particles emission. Also the proposed process has reduced labour and process cost. One more benefit is extraordinary interaction between coating and profile achieved by cure of the coating over a non-fully cured profile. After the coating application, the profile resin is fully cured together with coating. At the end of the research, the designed microwave assisted pultrusion process with in-line coating technology has been optimised in terms of process and environment parameters with the objective to minimise energy consumption of the profile manufacturing. The defined optimisation problem has been solved by two methods: the random search method using EDAOpt optimisation software and the generalized reduced gradient algorithm utilized in Microsoft Excel. An engineering tool based on Microsoft Excel for a selection of optimal process parameters for different conditions has been developed using optimisation results.